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LUSE –Let Us Speak English 

Class-wise daily programme for improving Spoken English on a specific syllabus monitored by teachers and lead by the students 

 AQAD – A Question A Day

Minimum 5 teams in a class will conduct quiz programme daily on specific areas and will register the scores and prizes for the winners will be awarded on termly basis. The AQAD will totally be organized by the students from class 7 onwards and the questions and answers will be codified and published.

SPEL-PRO – Spelling and pronunciation contest

Class-wise spelling and pronunciation competitions based on certain criteria fully managed by the students from class 5 onwards and the winners and the runners-up will get chance to school level competitions and students will be sent for outside competitions.


Peer groups, being formed systematically in each class, will help each other to improve in academic matters based on a schedule and direct monitoring and assistance of the respective teachers.  


It has been introduced among senior students with the intention of providing special attention, mentoring, basic counselling, character formation, career orientation etc.Students from class seven will be grouped into small units under the care of individual teachers. Students can avail this as the first step for counselling and guidance. Students who need special care will be identified and further steps to help them will be taken. Confidentiality will strictly be maintained. 

SAINTSIAN PARLIAMENT (SP)– Student parliament (Saintsian Parliament)

It has been constituted and will be functioning from the beginning of each year to impart and instill the parliamentary democratic notions into the young Indians. The parliament includes the class wise representatives from class 8 onwards elected/selected/ nominated by the students on certain criteria. Occasionally they will assemble as if in a parliament.
Conducting visits to the Legislative Assembly, Local Government bodies, Government and Legal offices and establishments etc. are also part of School Parliament activities.


 Occasionally the students will be given chances to take class in their own or lower classes on learnt or self-learnt topics. Best performers will be recognized.


In addition to the AQAD, there will be scheduled class wise Debate and Quiz programmes. Excellent performers will be given chances to participate in School level and outside quiz and debate competitions. The events will be conducted under the auspices of Quiz and Debate Clubs.


The students from class 6 onwards will present daily in their classes in one minute a latest information/wisdom out of their syllabus from different areas of knowledge. This information will be codified and published later.  The programme will absolutely be accomplished by the students.


Specialprogrammes to be conducted occasionally for making the leisure time productive and creative while enjoying the moments along with their friends. Teachers will monitor and students will invent the programmes.  


Studentswill be equipped to think critically through a series of events to find out, create and ask well set and unsought questions on topics either from the syllabus or in general.


Class-wise and common oneminute spontaneous, easy flowing and uninterrupted speech on certain criteria on precise topics in different languages. Once any blocks to the easy flow or deviation from the topic is detected according to the criteria, the chance goes to the detector. Language teachers will conduct it occasionally.


To create a happy mood throughout the period/day and to raise the happiness index, students and teachers will laugh in common for a few seconds on certain stimulus and as and when it requires, but on a specific schedule. 


Training as well as opportunities for oration and leadership will be given to a set of students who are selected as best performers from the mega oration programmes being conducted intermittently. 


Students will be given training and practice for waste management, recycling and production of wonderful, beautiful and useful things out of the wastes.


This is meant for students’ steering involvement in the effective and participatory implementation of discipline of the campus. Students from class 9 and 11 will be selected. 


Themembers – both teachers and students - of Nature Club, Farmers’ club and all nature lovers will join together to protect and preserve the mother nature and will design gardens, farm fruits and vegetables and plant trees in the campus, at homes and other relevant places.


Students under the leadership of teachers and in association with the local governing bodies as well as various clubs like Disaster Management, Anti-Narcotic, Social Service Forum etc., will take up the challenges and distressing concerns of the society and will try to find out and implement remedies through field surveys, group actions, awareness programmes etc. 


Certificate courses on well designed and definite modules in association with Additional Skill Acquisition Programme (ASAP) etc. for special skill development of the students will be introduced and offered to interested students as per CBSE directions on minimum payment. Certificates will be issued on the completion of the courses.   


Students will be given openings to be and to become creators through preparing contents, presenting programmes, being operators etc. of the school Website, YouTube channel, FM Radio, Manuscript/Digital SAINTSIAN Newspaper etc. 


Students will create various charts, PPTs, videos, artforms, games, still and running models etc. on the basis of the topics they learn and will present them in classes, art gallery, on stage and theatre etc. with extension lectures, seminars,