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School Library

  • All the staff and students are directed to avail themselves of the library facilities in the school.
  • Students may borrow only one book at a time and return it after a week and it can be renewed for one more week. The librarian may call for a book at any time from a borrower.
  • Books will be issued to students during the library periods mentioned, in the time table and also before and after school hours. No book will be issued or received back during the teaching hours.
  • Examine the books while borrowing and report to the librarian in case of any damage, missing pages etc. before leaving the library.
  • All library books and cards must be returned before the end of February every year. Clearance from the library is required before applying for Transfer Certificate.
  • Strict Discipline and silence should be maintained in the library
  • Books borrowed from the library should be kept neat, No marking, underlining or scribbling of any kind in the library book is allowed.
  • Each Student should read and write summary of minimum 5 books in an academic year.
  • A fine of Rs. 1 per day will be charged for late returning of book and the fact will be noted in the defaulters column of Library Card.
  • If books are lost, damaged or defaced, a fine up to double the cost of the book will be charged. In case of any dispute the Principal’s decision shall be final and binding.
  • Reference books shall not be taken out of the library. No other books are allowed in the reference section.
  • Handle the books carefully.