We, the “Saintsians” (after the name All Saints), are dedicated to the execution and fostering of love, justice and service imparted by Jesus Christ, provision of equal opportunity, promotion of gender equality, preservation of the integrity of creation, religious tolerance, national integration etc., empowerment of women and the marginalized, direct involvement in the integral development of the society, combating the evils of discrimination, corruption, violence, communalism and drug abuse, generation and dissemination of true and up-to-date knowledge that leads to wisdom etc. and thus to fulfil the noble dreams of our founders, patrons and forerunners. Competent and dedicated teaching, non-teaching faculty, integrated, quality assured and innovative academic programme, measurable outcome based, art-integrated, gamified and blended teaching-learning and evaluation process, ample hands-on training for competency and skill development, state-of-the-art pedagogical strategies, scientific assessment process, updated technology support, plentiful opportunities for curricular, cocurricular and extracurricular activities and the consequent 3600 child development, encouragement for and implementation of innovative and creative ideas, serene and inspiring ambiance, positive outlook and character formation, wellness exercises, motivated discipline, self-confidence boosting exercises, futuristic thinking initiatives and focused freedom of expression, resource mobility, civilization of the individuals and society, cohabitation and teamwork, collaboration with renowned institutions, effective communication among parents, teachers and students, inculcation of human, ethical, societal and national values, effective communication techniques and media, participation and triumphing in national, international competitions, career advancement and entrance oriented coaching etc. are only some of the areas which we have and emphasize upon.
Believing that the Creator fashioned the universe not as a finished product but with intrinsic and interminable longing for substantial, determined and constant progression until its goal-fulfilment at the end, and the human, He made him out of its elements, mixing him with divinity and its powers, placing him at its center to vivify and lead the globe to attain its goal, hence, having been convinced that every child is with immense and multifaceted innate potential for being a creative contributor, equally important partaker and with unquenchable craving for innovation in accomplishing the human task, furthermore, having been assertive of our divine task of bringing up truly talented creators for the new-gen world, we, the Malankara Catholic Educational Society of the Diocese of Pathanamthitta, as part of carrying forward its divine vocation of educating and illuminating the generations modelled after Jesus Christ, had started this school in 2002 to facilitate and equip such vibrant young creators. The name of the School, “All Saints”, has been purposefully chosen with a vision of leading and converting all its stakeholders, especially the learners, and their associated ones into sainthood, the state of being realized and pulled off one’s own assigned task in this world with purity, integrity, companionship and perfection. Hence, the name always urges us to reiterate our commitment of accomplishing the divine task of making all the stakeholders saints.A civilized society full of saints moulded by us is our crest and crown
स्रष्टून् स्रष्टुम् (Sanskrit) (“Srashtoon Srashtum”) “To Create Creators”
With resolute conviction that education is for creating creators and not consumers, both the disciple and the Guru in its process being the Image and Likeness of God, the Creator as well as humanity as a whole has been divinely assigned with the task of filling and subduing the universe and hence cannot but innately be creators and thus His co-creators, envisioning our every progeny dynamically and productively partake in fashioning the universe ever fresh, we shouldered a celestial vocation - establishing and running a top- rated academic institution in a rural area for faultlessly producing infinite tiptop creators to stimulate accomplishing the divinely assigned human task and hence, the motto.